15 April 2010

Skate4Cancer Australia: URGENT UPDATE

We at SMAC Magazine have missed a couple of updates from Jamie's blog lately, but this one is important and shocking. Please join us in sending good vibes to Rob Dyer and the Skate4Cancer team...

Jamie's Blog, 14/04/2010 6:02:49PM

I know many of you are wondering why there is an extra blog this week. I wish it was to post better news, but I still wouldn't call it bad news, especially considering what happened. Allow me to explain.

Sometime during the mid-morning of Wednesday, April 14th, while skating the tail end of the 150km uninhabited stretch of highway A20, Rob was side-swiped by a car. It appears that while driving the long, straight stretch of barren highway, someone lost focus, or control, or both, and swerved into the bike lane, knocking Rob off his board. By the time we got to him with the van, he was standing, which was a really good sign. Once we had him in the van, it was clear to see there were no immediate or life-threatening injuries. Luckily, it was the side of the car that hit Rob, not a direct hit, which could have been much worse. The only damaging injury that seems to have resulted from the accident is a pulled groin.

We've made our way to Adelaide to get Rob checked out at a hospital, since he is having a fair bit of trouble walking and the pain seems fairly intense. We're keeping our fingers crossed it's not anything worse, but for the time being I think it is safe to say there won't be any skating for a little while.

Considering the speeds involved in the accident, and the narrow margin by which a direct hit was avoided, a pulled groin isn't what I would call bad news. In fact, looking at what went down, I think Rob is a pretty lucky guy right now. But he doesn't feel that way, and frustration and disappointment on his face is clear to see. He wants to be skating, not icing a strained muscle.

Over the next few days we will be visiting the hospital and Doctors try to get a sense of what the exact injury is and how long Rob will be out of commission. In the time being, keep checking the blog, and keep sharing the Drop-in Centre video. We've cleared 10,000 views in three days, which is a truly amazing thing. I know watching those hits go up gives Rob a real boost, so there is nothing better anyone can do for him right now than to keep pushing that video.

The Drop-in Centre video can be found here. For every 100 views this video gets, C1RCA will donate $1.00 which will go towards Skate4Cancer's drop-in centre.

To read more of Skate4Cancer's blog, view amazing photos or check out more of their wicked videos, visit Skate4Cancer. SMAC Magazine would like to thank Rob, Daniel, Jamie and the team for letting us share their amazing journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates and an exclusive chat with Rob Dyer soon!

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