02 April 2010

Skate4Cancer Australia: Melbourne to be Wild

Jamie's Blog, 31/3/2010 6:03:42AM

Like any good team, whether in sports, business, or any endeavour requiring teamwork, the line-up changes. Melbourne seems to be that point in the skate where some veterans are taking their leave and some rookies are coming in to take their place. James Borg and Mike Mendes are spending their last hours as members of the S4C Australia team in Melbourne. This might seem odd to you at home, but in fact, it's perfectly normal. In actuality, there is only one man who has been able to endure a skate from start to finish, and that man is Rob Dyer. As sad as it is to see these fine gentlemen go, Melbourne has been a wonderful place for us all to enjoy our last few days together.

We once again arrived to sweet smiles and a roof over our heads, as the very kind Vanessa, Brandon and friends hosted the dirty, tired and hungry S4C team. Even with a stuffed nose, Vanessa could tell it had been some time since we had showered. It goes without saying we occupied her shower for a good two hours. Once we were clean, we started the search for a new driver. The kind community of people who had welcomed us in Melbourne reached out to their friends and family to see if we could find someone to drive the van to Adelaide, becoming the newest member of the team. As you can imagine, the nature of road life and complicated logistics make this a difficult task.

But instead of stressing, we decided to make the most of our time in Melbourne, and set out to enjoy all the city had to offer. Lush Productions, a distributor for brands such as Circa here in Australia, threw a very nice Barbeque for us at a local skate park. There was some serious skating going down, as well as some serious eating. The bbq was hot and the food was great, and before we knew it the setting sun was telling us it was time to close-up shop, much to everyone's dismay. Many thanks to the folks from Lush and Circa for throwing such a sweet party.

Just when it felt like we were starting to lay roots, a call came in and a new driver had been found. Samn Gibbs Jones will be joining the team, and if all goes according to schedule we should be hitting the road Friday. Once we were five, now we are three. The van just got a whole lot more spacious.

As wonderful a city as Melbourne has been to us, it's time to hit the road and get back to the task at hand; skating the entirety of Australia. The outback awaits, and if we're going to be ready for it, we need to get back into road shape. Thanks to everyone and everything that made our stay in Melbourne so pleasant, it will serve as good fodder for nice dreams once we are out hitting the asphalt again.

To read more of Skate4Cancer's blog, view more amazing photos or check out their wicked videos, visit Skate4Cancer. SMAC Magazine would like to thank Rob, Daniel, Jamie and the team for letting us share their amazing journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates and an exclusive chat with Rob Dyer soon!

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