10 May 2010

Five Minutes With: The Short List

Words by Nic Horton
Photos by Jade Kennedy

You may have caught local lads The Short List in amongst the festivities at Groovin the Moo last weekend, and you may have even ventured out early to catch their early scheduled slot on the bill. If not, it's my pleasure to share a snippet, taking five with TSL frontman Daniel Chigwidden.

Groovin the Moo is a pretty big deal for any local band to score a spot alongside the likes of Silverchair, Grinspoon, Vampire Weekend and British India; initially there was a Facebook group dedicated to/supporting your slot on the bill - do you think that played a part in securing the gig?

"I think at one stage it had about 700 fans - we really appreciate the support! I don't think we actually mentioned it to Cattleyard Promotions [the event's official promoters] but I think we kind of mentioned it to Triple J. Though, I don't know how much bearing that had, to be honest. I think Cattleyard just liked us... well, I'd like to think that they did!"

What was your response when you got the call? How did you feel about getting invited to play?

"It's an opportunity of a lifetime. I guess, I was personally keen to meet some people, and gain as much from the experience as possible."

Image! Many bands form a signature image. Does The Short List have a certain 'look' that you go for as a band?

"Well yeah, kind of. We've definitely tried to do that a lot more lately. Like, we've decided on a bit of a 'dress code', a we're recording soon, so we're talking about ideas for the EP cover art and how we can make it all one cohesive 'image' I guess."

So what are your plans on recording? When and where?

"We'll be going down to Sydney in mid-May to record some tracks at Freefall Studios for the new EP."

With the release of their next EP due within a few months, we could expect to see a little less of the band as they channel their creative focus into recording. However, The Short List have announced they will be performing at The Exchange Re-opening Concert alongside Buttah, The Popli Kids and The North Ward on Saturday (right before they jet off to Sydney) and have been announced as the local support act for Flicks at the PCYC on 4 June and The Beautiful Girls/Washington show at The Exchange on 27 June.

Stay tuned to SMAC Magazine for all The Short List news as well as interviews with Flicks, The Beautiful Girls and Washington!

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